Net Platforms


All good things must come to an end

With Windows 7 having got beyond its 10th birthday, Microsoft have made the decision to announce the end of support for this much-loved platform, among a range of other similarly aged software.

With technology ever evolving it’s critical to keep up to date to ensure your business, and the sensitive data you hold, are protected. To ensure their customers are protected by the vastly improved levels of security within their latest products, Microsoft have made the decision to cease the support for these aged platforms to convince users to better secure themselves by upgrading.

During 2020 the following all reach the end of their live, starting with Windows 7 in the January:

  • Windows 7
  • Small Business Server 2011
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Exchange 2010
  • Office 2010

What does this mean to my business?

With so many of us still relying very heavily on at least one of these software platforms, the chance of this news having an impact on your business is quite high. With this software being deemed to be ‘end of life’, support will naturally end. This means that Microsoft will stop producing updates and security patches, in-turn leaving the software less secure and more vulnerable to today’s cyber threats.

With the systems becoming immediately open to threats from cyber criminals, and therefore with a heightened risk of potential loss of personal data, any business continuing to use this software will become automatically non-compliant to GDPR legislation.

How can I find out if I’ll be affected?

If you upgrade or replace your IT systems as a matter of course within every 4 or 5 years, it is likely that you will be in the clear. Any business that is using at least Windows 8, or 10, across their devices will be supported.

If your business still relies on a server that’s 5-6+ years old and have PCs that are 5+ years old, there will be a strong chance you are using outdated software included within the 2020 cull. You need to take action by planning & budgeting now for this change.

How can I find out whether we’re using this software in the office?

To help identify if you are at risk, there are a few signs to look out for…

Microsoft apps

What do I need to do?

To keep your business ahead of such technology changes will not only ensure you are best defended from cyber threats, but can sensibly plan and budget for such an impactful change. Scheduling both the disruption and financial investment at a time that best suits the business; as opposed to getting caught out at the last minute, then rushing to complete the project upon the deadline, or worse, beyond the deadline.

Seek advice from your IT partner to plan & prepare. Contact our team today for free advice & guidance – firstly to help identify if you are indeed at risk, and to help budget for the systems in your business that will need upgrading / replacing, or perhaps how to alternatively implement cloud technology to keep your business ahead.

Need some support for peace of mind?

If you’re bewildered by the prospect of reviewing your it, we can help.

We’re NetPlatforms and we have years of experience in supporting small-medium businesses across London and Essex with such technology challenges.

NetPlatforms provides a full range of professional IT services, including a full suite of cyber security products, including support with Cyber Essentials & GDPR Gap Analysis.

Please contact the team today on 0207 993 9035 or